Sweet Delight

Sweet Delight

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    I grew up in a small city in China until I was 11. My dad decided to start his business adventure in a big city when I was 5. From then on, I could barely see him. As an only child, my childhood memories are full of toys, sweets, fairytale books/movies and pastel princess dresses that Dad bought me as a compensation for his absence. All of those flattering dresses decorated with ruffles, bows and ribbons brightened up my loneliest days a thousand times, and wherever I went, I always got the most attention. What I loved the most was to put on my new dress and meet friends for our little ‘games’ in the nature - playing hide and seek in the gardens, chasing dragonflies and butterflies, picking wild foxtail millet and making flower crowns. Those were the happiest moments in my life which made me feel like a princess as well as temporarily forget how much I missed my dad. 
    As we grow older, there is less and less chance to do/wear what we truly love. Grown-up life in a big city is fast-paced and exhausting - I found myself stuck in an office writing marketing plans that I barely interested, pushing myself to make business calls to strangers though I never liked such calls, wearing fully black outfits 9 to 5 even though I rarely have any blacks in my wardrobe! Those simplest and most care-free moments in life have become the most luxurious things in the whole world, and I crave them back! Therefore, this collection is a ‘Bring Back Joy’ journey. Every design has a story behind and reflects one of those radiant moments. At Fairy Tong, you will find those long-lost sweet delights in life again!
    - Tong, Founder & Director